Author: luxpat

  • Mazatlan: Love in the Time of Coronavirus

    Driving along the malecón in Mazatlan, the ocean is not choppy today, it isn’t throwing shards of gold. This morning it wears a conservative navy blue and a muted glitter. Yellow tape flaps at the top of every set of stairs leading down to the beach. Because the beaches are closed, no one is here to…

  • Paradise or Pair O’ Dice?

    To travel is to stretch time between your fingers and test its tensile strength. As nomads we might as well have been permanently suspended in the stratosphere, for all that time slowed and even seemed to reverse itself on occasion. That was life with one child and two backpacks.  Fast forward to the intensity of settling…

  • Nomad Family Reboot 2020

    It’s hard to believe that we haven’t posted to our blog in over two years, but then again time flies when you’re making babies. Ha. Ha. Hahahahasob. Let’s get you up to speed on our next nomad family adventure. Our last post was in August of 2017 while we were living in Guanajuato, Mexico, just…

  • Acta de Nacimiento for Our Expat Baby: A Tale of Woe

    Y’all. I’m pretty sure Dante Alighieri had a baby in Mexico and then tried to get its Acta de Nacimiento and U.S. passport before he wrote The Divine Comedy. “Naked and futile, they race through the mist in eternal pursuit of an elusive, wavering banner.” Yep. This post is for anyone starting the same process,…

  • Read About Giving Birth in Guanajuato, Mexico

    The long wait is over. Now we can tell you all about giving birth in Guanajuato! After touring the birthing ward at Plaza Mayor and paying the 5,000 peso deposit, we settled in to wait out the last days of the pregnancy. At 38 weeks, I was as uncomfortable as I’d ever been: sleepless with swollen…

  • Our Mexican Expat Baby is Almost Here!

    Only a few more weeks until we meet our Mexican expat baby! El fecha del parto probable (the due date) is June 8, but since Spencer was two weeks early and I’ve heard that second babies are often early in general, nomad baby could arrive anytime. I just had my second to last doctor’s appointment.…

  • More Nomad Baby News: Big Changes

    We’ve had an interesting past couple of weeks, and some new nomad baby news to share. I’ll tell you right now that both baby and Mama are fine, except for my sore leg from a gnarly charlie horse last night and a certain amount of annoyance about constant insomnia. So it goes. The third trimester…

  • Nomad Baby’s Second Trimester, Going Strong

    At 28 weeks and four days, nomad baby and I have officially entered the third trimester! In this post, read about our search for a Guanajuato doctor, travel, symptoms, birth preparation, and all the other good stuff about having a baby on the move. For anyone who missed our first post about nomad pregnancy, we are a nomadic…

  • Guanajuato Preschool: Our Search for a Mexican Preschool

    Our search for a Guanajuato preschool was a bit of a saga. In this post we detail the ins and outs of finding, enrolling in, and equipping ourselves for preschool, and what Spencer’s school has been like so far. Preschool or Daycare? In Playa del Carmen, Spencer attended a guarderia or daycare, with about fifteen…

  • Travel Resolutions and How To Keep Them

    Maybe you made a New Years travel resolution. Maybe you were flicking through Instagram and decided you should see the alps in person. Here’s how to guarantee that you follow through on your travel resolution. Whether you’re dreaming of a three month tour of SE Asia or working up the courage to get out of your town…