Tag: depression

  • Travel Stress or Grief?

      “Grief is the thing with feathers.” –Max Porter “I measure every Grief I meet with narrow, probing eyes.” –Emily Dickinson As our friends from Seattle will tell you, falling asleep has never been a problem of mine. If you peeked through our roof at 11 pm on any given Friday night in 2010, you…

  • The Carousel of Houses: Part II

    Green Point, where we’d been living, is an upmarket little neighborhood that slopes gently up from the beach. Cool breezes dry the sweaty foreheads of its residents as they enjoy sundowners on their porches, and there is little real wind there. In Vredehoek, where we moved the next day, you are perched upon the steep…

  • The Carousel of Houses: Part I

    On New Year’s Eve, David was in the middle of his nightly relaxation routine, putting a rack of ribs on the barbeque, when we got a call from the rental agency woman. “I just wanted to make sure you found accommodations for tomorrow,” she said. “I wouldn’t want you to be homeless!” We were supposed…