Tag: digital nomad

  • Digital Nomad Interviews

    Since our nomad journey began two years ago, we’ve had the honor of being featured in a number of digital nomad interviews in podcasts, news sites and magazines. I remember binge-watching and reading these types of interviews in the early days as we prepared for our “big trip” with the family. It’s a bit surreal…

  • Read About Giving Birth in Guanajuato, Mexico

    The long wait is over. Now we can tell you all about giving birth in Guanajuato! After touring the birthing ward at Plaza Mayor and paying the 5,000 peso deposit, we settled in to wait out the last days of the pregnancy. At 38 weeks, I was as uncomfortable as I’d ever been: sleepless with swollen…

  • Travel Resolutions and How To Keep Them

    Maybe you made a New Years travel resolution. Maybe you were flicking through Instagram and decided you should see the alps in person. Here’s how to guarantee that you follow through on your travel resolution. Whether you’re dreaming of a three month tour of SE Asia or working up the courage to get out of your town…

  • October Nomad Income Report: Leveraging Failure

    October Nomad Income: Life Update (Where the Money Went) After a rough landing in September we took some much needed time to relax and enjoy the beach life I have has been missing since Thailand. (Sarah is still homesick for a fall season and a cooler climate). Our time in Europe was amazing–we met a few really great…

  • If You’re Homesick, will a Home Base Help?

    Every few months David and I have a stupid argument. Well, we have a lot of stupid arguments, but every few months we have one particular stupid argument. It usually starts in one of two ways: either I’m sulking around, generally homesick and looking to pick a fight, or, David’s annoyed that I haven’t done the…

  • Wish You Were Here: Playa Del Carmen

    I don’t know how an unseen man playing the saxophone on a rooftop can make it feel like Christmas on a sunny afternoon in October, but he does. My husband says he’s seen the man, but I can never find him. As I sit out on our narrow balcony and search the uneven landscape of…

  • August Nomad Income Report 2016: The Rebound

    Life Update (Where the Money Went) Our August Nomad Income Report shows a nice rebound from our July drawdown. We spent the month in Zagreb and lived like locals. No big trips or crazy adventures, just exploring the city a bit and meeting up with other nomad families. Months like these help us stay grounded and…

  • Playa del Carmen: Our Toughest Digital Nomad Landing

    I’m not sure why we thought landing in Mexico would be easy. Perhaps because Playa Del Carmen has a large expat community and a tourist industry kitted out to accommodate travelers. Perhaps because we assumed (incorrectly) that at least as many people would speak English in Playa Del Carmen as do in Thailand, or Croatia. Unfortunately,…

  • July Nomad Income Report 2016: The Drawdown

    Life Update (Where the Money Went) Our July Nomad Income Report isn’t pretty. Travel expenses combined with trading losses made it our worst month ever. After three months in Budapest our Schengen visa was up and we needed to move on. We read on other blogs that Zagreb, Croatia was a great destination for families…

  • Travel Stress or Grief?

      “Grief is the thing with feathers.” –Max Porter “I measure every Grief I meet with narrow, probing eyes.” –Emily Dickinson As our friends from Seattle will tell you, falling asleep has never been a problem of mine. If you peeked through our roof at 11 pm on any given Friday night in 2010, you…