Tag: digital nomad families

  • Digital Nomad Interviews

    Since our nomad journey began two years ago, we’ve had the honor of being featured in a number of digital nomad interviews in podcasts, news sites and magazines. I remember binge-watching and reading these types of interviews in the early days as we prepared for our “big trip” with the family. It’s a bit surreal…

  • More Nomad Baby News: Big Changes

    We’ve had an interesting past couple of weeks, and some new nomad baby news to share. I’ll tell you right now that both baby and Mama are fine, except for my sore leg from a gnarly charlie horse last night and a certain amount of annoyance about constant insomnia. So it goes. The third trimester…

  • How to Convince Your Partner to Travel

    “I really want to be a digital nomad, but my wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t convinced. What do I do?” This is one of the questions I’ve seen most often in nomad forums, and I’m answering it from the perspective of the partner who needed some persuading. David was raised in a military family, and the mobile lifestyle comes…

  • Podcast Spotlight – Family Travel Resources

    We’re featuring ourselves, as interviewed on Epic Education Radio. MORE IMPORTANTLY, we’re featuring the awesome family travel resources you can find on Epic Education Radio. Podcasts like these, more than anything else, convinced us to go nomad. Listening to current nomads talk about their lives helped us to put ourselves in their shoes and imagine what this…

  • Who knew of HooToo?

    As a family of three who now travels with two packs and a roller, we are always keeping a lookout for new tech gear that can optimize our existing pack lists or remove redundancies. This is the first product review we’re posting on The LuxPats, so we wanted to start with the a piece of gear that no digital…