Tag: digital nomad family

  • Our Mexican Expat Baby is Almost Here!

    Only a few more weeks until we meet our Mexican expat baby! El fecha del parto probable (the due date) is June 8, but since Spencer was two weeks early and I’ve heard that second babies are often early in general, nomad baby could arrive anytime. I just had my second to last doctor’s appointment.…

  • Guanajuato Preschool: Our Search for a Mexican Preschool

    Our search for a Guanajuato preschool was a bit of a saga. In this post we detail the ins and outs of finding, enrolling in, and equipping ourselves for preschool, and what Spencer’s school has been like so far. Preschool or Daycare? In Playa del Carmen, Spencer attended a guarderia or daycare, with about fifteen…

  • Pregnant Nomad: The First Trimester

    Traveling full-time to places you’ve never been tends to instill a sense of (over?)confidence in your ability to handle anything. Sometimes, that confidence is…misplaced. But it’s probably the reason that being a pregnant nomad didn’t strike me as impossible. So. Am I in over my head? Here’s a quick tally of the last five months:…

  • If You’re Homesick, will a Home Base Help?

    Every few months David and I have a stupid argument. Well, we have a lot of stupid arguments, but every few months we have one particular stupid argument. It usually starts in one of two ways: either I’m sulking around, generally homesick and looking to pick a fight, or, David’s annoyed that I haven’t done the…

  • Wish You Were Here: Playa Del Carmen

    I don’t know how an unseen man playing the saxophone on a rooftop can make it feel like Christmas on a sunny afternoon in October, but he does. My husband says he’s seen the man, but I can never find him. As I sit out on our narrow balcony and search the uneven landscape of…

  • Digital Nomad Landing Plan: Our Arrival Routine

    After six nomadic arrivals, three international house moves, and countless weekend jaunts to new places, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about our routine for settling in. We’re constantly trying to hone the arrival routine that allows us to settle into a new place quickly. Speed matters–the faster you can get your mental, emotional, and practical houses…

  • Traveling Alone with a Toddler: Preparation and Packing

    Will you be traveling alone with a toddler? Are you starting to freak out? Well, here’s how I do it: the preparation, packing (one carry-on bag), and the reasons why. See our upcoming post to find out how well I did. It’s not my first long trip alone with my son, but it’s the first since…

  • How to Convince Your Partner to Travel

    “I really want to be a digital nomad, but my wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t convinced. What do I do?” This is one of the questions I’ve seen most often in nomad forums, and I’m answering it from the perspective of the partner who needed some persuading. David was raised in a military family, and the mobile lifestyle comes…

  • Two Unexpected Perks of Traveling with Kids

    Our toddler is your average imp/angel combo. On a good day he gives kisses on demand, parrots everything we say in adorable toddler-ese, and helps smaller kids climb the stairs to the slide. On the same day, he might decide it’s a good idea to collapse in the checkout line and refuse to move, or slap me in the face for…

  • Nomad Trade-Offs: One Day, Two Ways

    You’re a middle class stay-at-home Mom. What is a typical spring day like for you, at home and on the road? What are the nomad trade-offs? It’s interesting to me to compare the benefits and difficulties of both lives–the trade-offs, habit changes, and general trends. This is my entirely personal comparison of the ups and…