Tag: parents

  • Read About Giving Birth in Guanajuato, Mexico

    The long wait is over. Now we can tell you all about giving birth in Guanajuato! After touring the birthing ward at Plaza Mayor and paying the 5,000 peso deposit, we settled in to wait out the last days of the pregnancy. At 38 weeks, I was as uncomfortable as I’d ever been: sleepless with swollen…

  • Our Mexican Expat Baby is Almost Here!

    Only a few more weeks until we meet our Mexican expat baby! El fecha del parto probable (the due date) is June 8, but since Spencer was two weeks early and I’ve heard that second babies are often early in general, nomad baby could arrive anytime. I just had my second to last doctor’s appointment.…

  • Two Unexpected Perks of Traveling with Kids

    Our toddler is your average imp/angel combo. On a good day he gives kisses on demand, parrots everything we say in adorable toddler-ese, and helps smaller kids climb the stairs to the slide. On the same day, he might decide it’s a good idea to collapse in the checkout line and refuse to move, or slap me in the face for…

  • Nomad Trade-Offs: One Day, Two Ways

    You’re a middle class stay-at-home Mom. What is a typical spring day like for you, at home and on the road? What are the nomad trade-offs? It’s interesting to me to compare the benefits and difficulties of both lives–the trade-offs, habit changes, and general trends. This is my entirely personal comparison of the ups and…

  • This is Not a Parenting Article

    You know those parenting articles with titles like “5 Things Parents Shouldn’t Say to Childless Friends,” or “6 Ways Non-Breeders Can Relate to Parents”? This is not that kind of an article. You will not find a list of #parentingfails here, or a list of “ten ways you didn’t know you were emotionally stunting your kid,” or inexpert but strident views…