Tag: travel with kids

  • Our Mexican Expat Baby is Almost Here!

    Only a few more weeks until we meet our Mexican expat baby! El fecha del parto probable (the due date) is June 8, but since Spencer was two weeks early and I’ve heard that second babies are often early in general, nomad baby could arrive anytime. I just had my second to last doctor’s appointment.…

  • Traveling with a Child: Play-by-Play

    Traveling with a Child Play-by-Play: This is What It’s Like 5:30 am: Budapest is beautiful in the rosy morning light. The airport shuttle taxi arrives on time, an auspicious start. We’d set two alarms and David got up early to help us get ready, so Spencer and I sit happily in the cab as it passes through…

  • Solo Parent Travel Tips and Tricks

    We survived! In fact, this trip with my son was the easiest solo parent travel I’ve ever done, despite a few delays and setbacks. See below my high level takeaways and a few specific tips on solo parent travel. Read our next installment for the play-by-play, or our first installment for packing and preparation. Solo Parent…

  • Traveling Alone with a Toddler: Preparation and Packing

    Will you be traveling alone with a toddler? Are you starting to freak out? Well, here’s how I do it: the preparation, packing (one carry-on bag), and the reasons why. See our upcoming post to find out how well I did. It’s not my first long trip alone with my son, but it’s the first since…

  • Podcast Spotlight – Family Travel Resources

    We’re featuring ourselves, as interviewed on Epic Education Radio. MORE IMPORTANTLY, we’re featuring the awesome family travel resources you can find on Epic Education Radio. Podcasts like these, more than anything else, convinced us to go nomad. Listening to current nomads talk about their lives helped us to put ourselves in their shoes and imagine what this…

  • Two Unexpected Perks of Traveling with Kids

    Our toddler is your average imp/angel combo. On a good day he gives kisses on demand, parrots everything we say in adorable toddler-ese, and helps smaller kids climb the stairs to the slide. On the same day, he might decide it’s a good idea to collapse in the checkout line and refuse to move, or slap me in the face for…

  • Who knew of HooToo?

    As a family of three who now travels with two packs and a roller, we are always keeping a lookout for new tech gear that can optimize our existing pack lists or remove redundancies. This is the first product review we’re posting on The LuxPats, so we wanted to start with the a piece of gear that no digital…