Getting Dissed by a Dolphin


Growing up, there were two kinds of kids in the world: kids who had been to Disneyland and kids who hadn’t. If you were in the first group, we poor kids naturally hated your guts.

My own family’s version of a vacation was a 13-hour non-stop drive to Salt Lake City to visit relatives twice a year. And by non-stop I mean non-stop, the kind of car trip that necessitates the special cup you just do not spill if you value your life, but which my brother once spilled anyway and the car never smelled the same again.FreshPress

My mom tried to convince us that Salt Lake was exciting by calling it Mormonland! While it was indeed fun and creepy to watch them grin around their abnormally large white teeth and see them refuse to drink Coke (as a kid this was a sure sign that they were all weirdoes), and while the Salt Lake Temple did resemble a deranged Disney castle if you squinted at it in the right way, I knew that Salt Lake City was no Disneyland. I was getting shafted.

I was so jealous of those kids’ Show and Tell pictures of riding in the teacups (who wouldn’t want to sit in a giant teacup?!!!) that I actually sabotaged some of them with my rapier wit. Lucas Mucus went home crying when the rest of the school began using the new last name I gave him. I feel no remorse, even now. Lucas Puke-us earned it when he bragged about how you really thought that boulder on the Indiana Jones ride was going to crush you. I wanted to almost be crushed! I wanted the magic, the thrill, the ridiculously expensive plastic souvenirs. I didn’t go to Disneyland, Disneyworld, Six Flags, SeaWorld, you name it, we didn’t go. The only thrill I got was when that cup of pee spilled on my brother.

So when I find myself at the Ocean Adventure water park in the Philippines, it doesn’t matter in the slightest that I am well above their target age range. I have the chance to realize my childhood amusement park dreams, and I do it. I purchase the dolphin experience.

Since I decide at the last minute, I’m late to the mini-seminar about safety in the water and respect of the dolphins. There are a few kids and some adults standing around. Thank God, I’m not the only adult.

I’m more prepared than them too, they don’t even have their swimsuits on. And why are they standing over there? They’re going to miss the life-jacket instructions. Oh. They’re the parents.

As I crouch awkwardly on top of one of the tiny plastic chairs in the seminar room and wonder if my compromised position is scandalizing any of the youngsters, I notice that the adults are looking at me with curiosity, and something else I don’t recognize at first. Wait, is that, are they looking at me with pity?

Oh my God.

They think I have a terminal illness. They’re exchanging sad, knowing glances with one another. I imagine them pointing me out to their families later during their two hour vacation slide shows. Cancer, must have been. She was so pasty white and flabby-skinned, like she didn’t even have bones. Poor thing.

As the realization sinks in, I smile beatifically at the  other adults. I let the smile fade as I turn to look pensively out at the ocean. I purse my lips in fortitude, in acceptance. One woman whispers to her husband. Jerks.

At the shore, the kids and I line up and wait for the dolphin to come fetch us and carry us on her belly to the trainer waiting at the dock. The parents are taking pictures behind us.


The kids trying to decide whether I’m terminally ill, or just mentally undeveloped

Our trainer at the shore explains how to grip the dolphin’s flippers firmly, with our arms outstretched. The trainers let the kids go first, of course, so I stand and watch as she ferries them one by one, until I’m alone with the trainer, who merely says to me, “Are you ready, champ?!” He clearly isn’t used to speaking with adults anymore. I imagine he says the same thing to his girlfriend when he’s feeling frisky.

When it’s my turn, I don’t see Kyra until she slides up out of the water, facing me as if we were about to dance. She looks bored. At the trainer’s signal I reach out and take her fins, and she leans back into the water, her head dipping under. As she begins to swim, I slide around on her stomach, which feels like soft slippery rubber. OhmygodIamridingadolphin!!!

She moves haltingly, as if she’s tired.


Me: Ohmygod this is really happening!!!

Kyra: I’m bored. You’re heavy.

I didn’t flinch when the parents were staring at me with pity or when the kids were looking at me as if I were some overgrown child with arrested development. When I realize that the dolphin is tired and certainly not used to lugging around my extra 70 pounds, that’s when I feel like a real jack-ass.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have done this.”

It’s just a job, she says.


It’s fine. She is tired of having this conversation. My shift is almost over. You could have paid for the extra ticket, though. More sales equals better fish, it’s simple math. You didn’t have to cheat.

“What are you talking about?” I start to say, because at that point I hadn’t yet put the ankle swelling and the tiredness together to realize I was pregnant, but now we’ve arrived at the dock and the trainer must have overheard me because he’s looking at me with his head tilted to the side.

I notice that he places me on one side of him and the kids on the other. Great.

Kyra is now lying on her back so that the trainer can point out the different parts of her body. He strokes her belly next to her pectoral fin.

That tickles, you jerk!

I wonder if anyone else can hear our cynical dolphin, but I also wonder if it I was supposed to take half a pill for each hour of the flight or half a pill total. Best not say anything.

Soon it will be my turn to “dance” with Kyra, and I start to swim over to her awkwardly. My life jacket is made for a child and my eyes are bulging out of my head as I pant and gasp. The parents on shore are fidgeting. They’re probably worried that I’m going to expire in front of their children. She just died, right there in front of Billy! I mean can you believe that, going out when she was obviously about to keel over? Selfish, right?

I don’t care, I’m euphoric. I’ve almost reached Kyra. Now who’s cool, Lucas? Have you ever danced with a dolphin? Huh? Have you? Stupid teacups. I stop in front of her to catch my breath.

Aren’t you a little old for this? she says.

“This is my dream and you’re ruining it, you bitch,” I gasp.

The trainer looks at me, shocked and appalled. I’m thinking, come on, it was just a whisper, when I see that he’s looking at the little girl who passed me on the way back from her dance with Kyra. Oh God. He thinks I was talking to the little girl. He’s torn between kicking me out to protect the kids’ innocence, and the guilt he’d feel about denying a terminally ill person her last wish.

I cough phlegmatically, and spasm a little bit in the water, which seems to do the trick. The trainer doesn’t look happy, but he stays put.

Now I’m holding onto Kyra’s fins and we’re facing each other again. I’m imagining being whisked around and around like the little Mermaid under the sea. It’s perfect.

I get bitten by a shark and now I have to dance with idiots for a living, Kyra says. I hope you’re enjoying your demented fantasy.

I close my eyes. “Shut up and let me enjoy it then,” I mutter. Luckily the trainer hasn’t noticed me talking to the dolphin this time. He’s looking up toward the shore. Or maybe he has noticed and he’s waiting for backup.

When we’re done dancing, which involves Kyra pulling me in circles and groaning like my weight is about to drown her, she does some other tricks for the kids. I’m glad they can’t hear her stream of sarcastic remarks. I mean really, I know it can’t exactly be fun for a dolphin, but they’re just kids for heaven’s sake.

That’s the problem, she says. All you kids are filled with these unrealistic dreams of magic carpets, true love, talking animals. Then dolphins like me have to pay for it by entertaining you with these stupid tricks.

I raise an eyebrow. Talking dolphins?

I’m aware of the irony, she says.


Kyra scoffing, me grinning like an idiot

We’ve reached the climax of the experience, when Kyra will now jump up into the air for each of us when we give her the signal the trainer taught us. I can practically hear her panting with exhaustion, but I don’t feel as bad for her since she’s been so rude about it.

I’m last, as always, and I see that two more trainers are now standing behind the main trainer on the dock. I wonder if they’re here to prevent me from doing anything crazy, like trying to escape with Kyra into the sea. I don’t blame them, I thought about it.

I pretend they’re not there. I’m too excited about my moment of triumph. The main trainer nods, and I throw my hands into the air. Kyra explodes out of the water in front of me, and I shout the only thing I can think of.

“Free Willy-eeeeee!”

I throw her the fish the trainer has given me.

Fish!!!!!! She yells.

“Everyone dreams of something!” I yell at Kyra. “For me it’s Disneyland, for you it’s freedom. Same diff!”

The other two trainers are now approaching me. The main trainer has already herded the children back to their parents. I assume they’re going to escort me up the dock, and make sure that I’m delivered safely into the hands of my care-taker, who has hopefully brought restraints.

Good riddance. Don’t come back unless you have fish. Or just don’t come back. Have your kid and grow up.  She disappears under the water.

I cough at the parents as I pass, and they back away slightly.  I know that part of the reason I haven’t been ready to admit to myself that I’m pregnant is because I don’t identify with parents yet. I’m still a kid who’s jealous of the kids who went to Disneyland. I still have so many rides to go on! I’m not ready! I’ve never been to Disneyland, but I just got to dance with a dolphin! “I can die happy now,” I whisper at the parents, whose faces light up with mortification. Maybe I’ll take my kids back here someday.


My Free Willy moment


171 responses to “Getting Dissed by a Dolphin”

  1. Being limited sometimes has its benefits and sometimes does not. I like the open mind and you have it.

    1. Thanks Barry. My parents still have a trash compactor if that counts for anything.

      1. It is a condense statement.

  2. Sarah Loved it you have such talent !!

    1. Thanks Duane, this means a lot. David talks about you with such respect. When you told him to tell them he wanted to “kick ass and take names,” he never forgot about it. Of course, it worked.

      1. Sarah,
        How about I just now saw your reply…Anyhow I’m glad to hear that David is soaring like and eagle so proud of him & of course you. I’m truly looking forward to getting to visit & meet you & the little one. I’ve followed your journey together on Facebook as much as that’s possible.
        Sarah as I hope you know love your writing and would like to make sure I’m included in any of your blog’s etc. Maybe you can enlighten me as to why I would’nt have seen this until now…actaully I was looking at a post thru Facebook & it took here where I then realized this post was made…I’m just a tad bit confused. Please stay in touch as I’m very intersted in being in David’s life as I’ve got much more time on my hands today unlike when I had my business. So give him my best & let’s try FaceTime soon I would love that.
        All my best”

      2. Hi Sarah Just a short note to say hello to you & David. I also wanted to let you know that your son spencer is truly a handsome little guy for sure. South Africa looks so beautiful you all defintely get travel maybe someday I will pay you folks a vissit it would be wonderful to meet you & Spencer and catch up with David it’s been a long time in fact too long.
        Wish you much love & happiness always

  3. Muahaha, this was a hilarious article! I’m really glad you finally got to experience your childhood dream. God-Speed with your pregnancy!

    Flux: Encountering Adulthood

    1. I loved your How to Get Dumped post. It’s actually really hard, and you nailed it. We are at our lowest point then, and it takes an expert to be dumped gracefully. I wrote this post about an experience last year, so I can say happily that the pregnancy went well and that my son is amazing! I wish my computer cord weren’t more attractive to him than his actual toys, but otherwise he’s perfect. Babies always are. He smells like heaven.

  4. Sometimes it’s just liberating to engage in all those things you missed out! I’m really proud of you for hanging to your free willy moment!!

    1. Too bad it was at Kyra’s expense, but I think she’ll get over it. She seems like the resilient type. Following, I hope Ameena is okay.

  5. Your blog is very interesting; I am following it. You might find my blog to also be of interest to you. Please consider following it. Blessings to you.

    Pastor/Equipping The Saints
    Philippians 3:10
    “That I might know Him”

    1. Thanks and blessing to you also. Have followed!

      1. Thank you for following my blog. You are very kind.

        Pastor/Equipping The Saints
        [email protected]
        Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him”

  6. Is it bad I kinda want to be friends with that dolphin? She sounds awesome!
    (Great post! Congrats on Freshly Pressed!)

    1. Not bad at all, I’d have friended her on FB too if she weren’t a dolphin, I’m sure it’s hard for her to type. I always find myself with a caustic friend or two, they make life fun and say things I’d be afraid to say myself. Happy B-day to your daughter, and thanks for the work your family does for our country.

  7. Well expressed – the rights and obligations of freedom!

    1. Too true. Kyra deserved a better dance partner than I!

  8. What a brilliant post! I think you made it far more memorable than the kids!

    1. Thanks! I love turtles, but I love lame wordplays like “turtley mind-blowing” even more! I say “lame” as a compliment, because my dad and I compete to see who can come up with the funniest lame joke, the lamer, the funnier. Rock on!

      1. Thanks. To have a successful night supporting the turtles we had to think turtley thoughts! Volunteering within our abilities!

  9. I liked your humor as well as your concern for the fate of dolphins forced to entertain humans

    1. Thanks Suzanne. In all seriousness, I really did feel incredibly terrible when I felt Kyra straining under my weight. What had I done? I had contributed to the same exploitation of animals that haunted me in another post. The fact that Kyra really had been disabled by a shark, and really was rescued to what I can assume was a better life for her, didn’t erase completely the knowledge that I was just using her as a means to the end of my materialistic childhood dream. At least Kyra had a healthy disdain for the whole situation, which somehow makes me feel better. If only all animals could speak, we would all endure our well-deserved dissing.

  10. Wish i was you right now ! Here in Norway its raining so heavy that maybe dolphins will find their way here ? I am a dreamer, after all 😉

    1. I’ve always wanted to visit Norway! Apparently I’m part Norwegian, and Roald Dahl was my favorite childhood author. Actually, he still is my favorite author because I never really grew up after all. My mind draws the most romantic image of the stone fjords. If you ever have a vacation, we’re living in South Africa, which is a wonderfully magical place also, and you have a place to stay. I can’t promise dolphins, but there are plenty of seals.

  11. This is hilarious! I hated those Disney kids too. Still do. 🙂

    1. Yeah, it turns out I was engaged to one, so after religion and politics, we had to reconcile the Disney Disproportion. At least, if I’m ever lucky (or unlucky) enough to take my kids to one of these places, I can give them the Disney bereft perspective. (“I was never fortunate enough to wait in these lines, kids. I was too busy walking uphill both ways to school”). 🙂

  12. It is not necessarily materialistic only a childhood dream brought on by our society where it seems normal to take advantage of animals I am very happy you wrote about this with such witty prose. I wish more people would be “hearing” and feeling animals. Thank you !

    1. Thank you Tarek!

      1. You are most welcome & waiting for your next post!

  13. I liked your blog. I never made it to Disney either until I was an adult……..over-rated!! Zulu Delta

    Here is a sample of my blog;

    1. Yep, I’m afraid to go now myself. You figured out the secret about Seattle by the way, I used to live there and we definitely DO tell people it’s rainy to keep the tourists away!

  14. My parents never bought me that dolphin experience when I was a kid and you could bet anything that if the opportunity presents itself in the future, I will be the first grown-up in line pushing 5yr old s out of my way to make sure I have a turn.
    Hilarious post 😉

    1. If you do get the chance to push some 5-year-olds out of the way, I’d love to read that post 🙂

      1. bahaha duly noted

  15. Great post and quite funny. Thanks for the share.

    1. Thank you! I wish you were based in S.A instead of P.A., we have so much damp near the beach that we’ve started to name the various mold spots…

      1. I can still help you. You can send me pictures and then the estimates you get and I’ll tell you what you need and how it should be done.

  16. Reblogged this on machinegunmarvin and commented:

    1. Wow, thanks Marvin!

  17. Lovely post Hun! Fab read!! xxx

    1. Thanks, and congrats on the engagement! My nephew’s name is Kayne. Close.

      1. Awww thank you sweety 🙂 xxx

  18. Great job! Check my blog if you Want 🙂

    1. Thanks! I love your banner image, but I wish I spoke Italian!

      1. It’also in english, all the post are write in 2 language 🙂

  19. I’ve never trusted dolphins. Never been more glad that I can’t hear them talk about me. Great article!

    1. Ha! Who knows, it could have just been a personal grudge. Hilarious post on float tanks. “Elderly dog with salty cataracts,” great.

  20. Great post. Loved it. I was 23 when I finally made it to Disneyworld. I could only afford to go because my friend’s friends worked on that Pirate ride and got us in for free. Just a thought – should we now divide adults by those who’ve swam with dolphins, and those who haven’t?

    1. Ouch, nice one. Let me just say, it was the most amazing thing in the world and blah blah brag blah brag 😉

  21. Wow. I wasn’t sure who I felt worse for you or the dolphin. I tried to swim with them once in the Florida keys but kept panicking so good on you but, I so hate that they are there for our amusement 🙁

    1. That sucks! I hope you weren’t panicking because they were harassing you. I was hoping it was just Kyra being in a bad mood and not a species thing.

      1. Lol. No. Kyra probably wasn’t even born then. I kept panicking about sharks tho I knew I was in with dolphins. I did hear them making fun of me tho….

  22. Omg this was hilarious! Loved it! Good luck with ur pregnancy! 🙂

    1. Thank you! I wrote this about an experience last year, so I can say happily that the pregnancy went well and I have a perfect baby boy. Also, I see that you went to Disney All-Star Movie Resort, and it appears that yep, I’m still jealous.

      1. Your welcome my dear ! ?

  23. I love how you write! The mix of dialogue between the dolphin and you were hilarious!

    1. Thanks Kayla Marie! By the way, you’re totally being a mean mom. 😉 Just kidding. I feel the same way. I once sat at a table with one other woman and three men while I was pregnant, and I kid you not, the men had their own conversation about how long they thought women should breastfeed for. The woman and I suggested that perhaps we should revisit the convo once the men had grown breasts.

      1. I don’t think I would of been able to sit there and listen to them debate that topic lol

        1. It was hard, but the comedic value was so high that I had to bite my tongue 🙂

  24. This has got to be one of the greatest things I’ve read lately. I love Kyra’s sass. Also, I’m glad no one was around to see/hear me laughing at the computer.

    1. That’s such a nice compliment! Keep wayfaring, I agree with your philosophy. Is your husband’s name really Rambo? Your life must be amazing.

      1. Thanks! His name isn’t really Rambo. That’s just a nickname he’s had for ages – some of his friends didn’t actually know who I was talking about when I called him by his first name! His name just has a very Scottish spelling, and it’s hard for non-Brits to pronounce it. So I figured “Rambo” would be easier on the flow of reading.

  25. FYI Disney sucks anyways. I was there for 7 days and we went to 6 parks in 7 days and all I got was swollen feet. Dolphins are way cooler than those stupid teacups.

    1. Awesome, since I got the swollen feet without even having to go. I still wonder about the teacups, but now I’d never want to ruin the dream with the reality.

      1. I get swollen feet going out to the mailbox, but Disney was my bitter rival. One day I will start my own amusement park and call it Bitterland. The only difference is that we will be completely transparent about screwing over customers whenever we can.

    1. Yep. My brother totally did spill that cup, and the car never did smell the same way again. Okay okay, I might have spilled it ON him, but that’s a minor detail.

      1. But really awesome…
        I feel very scared… 🙁

  26. Dolphan is a mammal or not?

    1. Most certainly.

  27. Hilarious. Even guffawed out loud. Feeling your pain. Growing up in Australia, we watched the Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night and the happy smiley people as they gaily spun around on the teacup ride. I too felt the envy and longing associated with knowing that we would never be one of those children. Riding on the Disney teacups as a 25 year old didn’t turn out to be the euphoric experience that one had anticipated for so long. As the teacups spun, I realised not only was I the oldest person on the ride (barring mummy’s and daddy’s) but it took every ounce of self control not to puke over all the cheerful little ride goers. Ah, reality vs dreams. Good things that dolphins can’t blog…or can they?

    1. Uh oh. Now I’ve got to spend three hours researching “dolphin blog” before I’ll be able to sleep. I have a feeling I’d have a very similar teacup experience if I tried it today. At least you didn’t actually puke…

  28. unbelievable……….. u are so lucky….. its nice@pic

    1. Thanks MN! Btw, there are never enough HTML tutorials out there. I know nothing, so I always rely on expertise like yours. Thanks for your public service to non-techs like me.

  29. I enjoyed that. Disneyworld is magic.

  30. Wow, i envy you.

    Happiness abound.

    Long live and Prosper


  31. Very nicely written. Ian xx

  32. This was awesome i laughed so hard. I can really relate on Halloween i am always more excited than my kids are to go trick or treating, and they always want to go home before I’m ready. I was also one of the poor kids who never went anywhere fun or anywhere at all actually, we were lucky if we got dinner. If you have time you should check out my blog

  33. Lol I loved your article. I kept thinking, hey is she a writer? If so, where can I find her books?

    1. What?! No you didn’t. Do you read young adult? I’m working on a post-apocalyptic YA manuscript. Until that’s finished, I try to post 2 times a week on the blog. This was the first “funny” post I tried, so I can’t promise it’s all humor. The heroine is blind and your post about music made me wonder how I could better incorporate the texture of sound into a sightless person’s experience of the world. If you have any thoughts about how music creates a world that sight can’t, I’d love to hear about it. Cheers

      1. Hi. Hey I’m sorry for late reply. I didn’t get any notifications about your comment. And yes I did. lol Totally looked if you had any books out. You should save that article. You could totally use it in a scene someday. I love dolphins and your post seemed to relate exactly how the dolphin would feel, would think. And yes I love YA! I’m a writer and I just had my first book out – Holding Out for Skye. I started a YA paranormal. 🙂 Well, you know what, I’d love it that even though your heroine is blind she could still be spunky like your post was. That she didn’t let her blindness get her down. Music is awesome. And yes it can totally create a world that sight can’t – through emotions. I believe that music has the power to create powerful emotions in you. The power to create your own world inside your head. For example, take one of your favorite songs – close your eyes while listening to it. Let your hearing sense create your world for you. It’s an awesome experience. I can totally listen to a song and imagine the scene, the story that would go with it.

  34. I am also still waiting to go to Disneyland XD every once in awhile my childhood dreams are brought out of the dust and i remember what it was like to be the grown child. Although seeing you play with Dolphins brought a smile to my face.

    1. If you ever go to Disneyland XD, I’d love to read about it. Hail Empress Jade!

  35. “Have your kids and grow up.” I feel you on that one! LoL The closest to Disney I have ever been is driving by on my way to my cruise ship where I got to experience better things (or that’s what I tell myself)

    1. Ooh intriguing, what things? Do you have a post about it?

  36. I am a Pet Lover! 🙂

    1. Animal lover? Me too, animals are so much wiser than we in many ways.

  37. Too funny! I love your blogging style.

    1. Miss Diction! You’re not a coach on diction, are you? If so, you could make millions. I went to a women’s college, and one of our professors said very bluntly, “The biggest thing that will hold many of you back is your diction. Don’t make a statement sound like a quesiton. OK?”

  38. This is hilarious. Thank you.

    1. Thanks SW! “To believe in the kind intention of God towards yourself Is easier said than done.” Very nice, very true.

  39. Haha! Great hilarious read!
    Congrat’s on riding a dolphin & getting pressed!!

  40. This made me laugh. My first visit to your blogs, Love your style 🙂

    1. Thanks, and cool blog name 🙂

  41. Super funny, I believe that Kyra was as bitchy as you described. Wouldn’t you be with kids and annoying trainers telling you what to do all day?? Great post and very hilarious!

    1. Absolutely, I might have been even meaner than she was 🙂 Thanks!

      1. You are very welcome.

  42. So funny. I feel kinda bad now for my profile picture… But likewise, it was my childhood dream!!

    1. Don’t feel bad, it’s awesome. I love the way he or she is smiling for you 🙂

  43. Great post, definitely a fun read. Just out of curiosity, did you actually hear a voice talk? Or is this just you writing a story out of your personal experience?

    1. Well, here are the facts: I was definitely jet-lagged, I definitely felt a connection with Kyra, as well as a sarcastic energy from her, if you will. I was so excited to ride her, and for some reason I thought she’d be perky and happy, but she was naturally underwhelmed by me. Afterward, her words were perfectly formed in my mind, so make of that what you will.

      1. I see. Well either way, a good read!!

  44. Torunn Irene Avatar
    Torunn Irene

    Loved the way you angle the text.. I always had this dream about swimming with dolphins. I did! But after I watched the documentary The Cove I told myself never again.. and felt so stupid not thinking how the animals must feel and think!

    1. I’ve been too afraid to watch The Cove! I guess I’ll just woman up and do it.

  45. Not yet! I’m currently building my blog and organizing my posts before I publish them! I’ll let you know when that one goes up!

  46. Reblogged this on bifalo.

    1. Cool, thank you!!

    1. Thanks for the read!

      1. It’s ok.Pleased to see you.

  47. I wish i could swim with the dolphins!!!

    1. I’ll never forget the texture of her skin, like old but smooth wet rubber.

  48. MewsOfTheMuse Avatar

    I love dolphins! Wish I could swim with them too one day 😀

    1. Do it soon! Before they decide they’ve had enough and unionize!

      1. MewsOfTheMuse Avatar


  49. I should know better than to read t things like this while I’m at work. I nearly peed my office chair laughing. Thank you for breaking the monotony that is my Tuesday!

    1. You just made my year. I love it when I almost pee my own office chair, that’s a compliment of the highest degree.

  50. There is so much to be said for working towards your goals and enjoying the ride.

  51. Fabulous article. I have those conversations with animals myself. Best one was a horse riding trip in Snowdonia Wales. A couple times I got the look of – who the hell are you talking to? – I was talking to the horse who was just fed up of the same hill every day. All he wanted to do was chill out on a sunny hill and watch the clouds roll by but he had to carry my lumpy arse up the same stupid hill.
    Living the rest of your articles too
    Thank you 😉

    1. I know, poor animals. I don’t know why they put up with us. Thank you so much for the read!

  52. Really witty post, I loved Kyra’s sass 🙂

    1. Thanks, and I actually would be interested in reading more about your misadventures with cake.

  53. Sharks are kinda cooler.

    1. Maybe sharks just have a bad rap? Here in S.A. you do that thing where you snorkel in a steel cage while people throwing bloody chum into the water all around you, and you wait with your waterproof camera to snap pics of great whites. Maybe I’ll do that, and see if I make any friends.

      1. That sounds powerful cool.

        Sharks have a bad rap on account of the fact that they eat you. But in reality, death by shark attack is manly as all hell, and would guarantee your legacy is one spoken of with great fondness.

        Do I want to be killed be a shark? Probs not. But I sure as hell would take that over a slow death at the hands of a disease. Anywho..

  54. I don’t think dolphins are as nice as their publicity people want you to think they are. When I was 8 the Seattle Aquarium set up a dolphin tank on the pier. Kids could pet the dolphins. I wanted to. “Pet the dolphin,” said the trainer. I stuck my hand out and the dolphin rose out of the water and bit my hand. It held on and pulled and I had to run around the outside of the tank with my hand in the dolphin’s mouth until they got it to let go. I had dolphin teeth marks in my hand. Maybe that dolphin was jaded like the dolphin you were talking to. It was a pretty uncomfortably-small tank…thanks for sharing the great story with us; very well written and entertaining.

    1. That’s a hilarious image you painted. Now I’m imagining all of the diva dolphins and their entourages, being bitchy to everyone and talking on cellphones, however dolphins would manage that.

    2. BAHAHAHAHHAHA! oh nooo!!! sorry, I literally LOL’d hahahha. Too funny =)

    1. Thank you luistwelve! Your blog name is intriguing, would love to know what it means…

  55. This was your first purposely humorous post? Wow. SO funny. You should write more in this vein! (This style of humor would go over big in juvenile fiction.) Really enjoyed myself. Thanks!

    1. Cool, I’ll keep trying then. I’m about to publish another “humor” post, but it may go over the line. You can never tell how people take bathroom humor. Would love to know if I just totally disgusted you. Thanks Outlier Babe!

      1. You’re welcome. And: Clever way to get me to come back to your blog (like I wouldn’t a’ anyhow). Just for that, here are two of MY tried-to-be-funny posts:

        As for disgusting ME with bathroom humor, my friends laughed so hard they–

        (YOU’RE the loo-level laugh-getter. You can surely fill in the rest : )

        1. I LOVE Sarah Vowell!! Anyone who can trick me into learning history via comedy is all right. Funny posts, I’m always a huge fan of bad puns. “B-b-but Athena, Medusa didn’t do it on Porphys!“

  56. Such a cool blog!*****

  57. Reblogged this on indigoicecream and commented:
    Read this blog! A great blog!

    1. Awesome, thank you!

  58. LOL!!!! This is great!
    I was definitely in the second group, so I’m right there with ya! I have a lot of childhood moments to catch up on, so move over kids!!!!
    hahahhaha! <3

    1. Right? Beautiful photos on your blog, btw!

  59. This is great. What a clever idea for a blog! You’re a seriously witty writer!

    1. Thanks, funny girl how nice of you to say! If you ever start a blog, let me know 🙂

      1. Oh, I do!! Thanks!

        1. Awesome! For some reason the address didn’t show up for me on your first comment. Reading right now!

  60. Loved this! I’m sitting in the car while my baby naps and my other two kids are seeing The Lego Movie with Daddy and this helped to pass the time with a smile. 🙂

    1. Ah, the chilling-with-baby-while-rest-of-family-has-fun tunes. I’m all too familiar. Last night I listened to what sounded like a great drum performance from a quarter mile away, rocking the baby to sleep. It’s nice to have something to pass the time. I’m honored!

  61. Brillantly/bitingly FUNNY. Keep it up.

  62. Thank you. I needed that laugh at this point in my life. I have ALWAYS wanted to swim with the dolphins but never have. But I have been to Disney World with our children many times so I guess you can’t have everything. 🙂 Thank you for the smile. I love your humor. Did not know dolphins were so sassy though… seems like they would be so sweet. lol!

    1. It was an unwelcome surprise that she was so unimpressed by me, but I can promise that the act of swimming with her was amazing. Maybe I’ll get to take my own kids to Disneyland someday! Thanks for the wonderful compliment 🙂

  63. I enjoy your read of Kyra’s emotions as snarky, fed up, and jaded. Too often it seems we see animals in situations like this being seen only as pitiful, helpless, weak, etc.–maybe Kyra doesn’t deserve what’s been done to her, maybe she does mourn her circumstances after an especially difficult day, but you give her enough complexity that she can also be seen to take hold of her life, to say, “It’s my lot, I’m going to live with it the best I can.”

  64. NIce post.I don’t think you’re too old to do anything 🙂 I also swam with the dolphins at Subic last year and the experience was priceless 🙂 I was the oldest in the group also at age 30 🙂

  65. Loved your pot. Made me smile and I needed to smile today.

    1. Aw, that’s awesome. Thanks 🙂

  66. Reblogged this on mintvalf.

    1. Cool, thank you!

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