April Nomad Income Report 2016: The Home Stretch

So…it’s June and I’m publishing our April nomad income report. I promise we didn’t procrastinate this time! The weeks leading up to Nomadica’s launch left little time for anything else. WE ARE NOW LIVE, coming to you from around the world with the first travel ecostore for digital nomads and nomad families. Check it out. We’re working on expanding our selection before promoting further than this little corner of the internet.

However, we’re still committed to publishing these and hope some of our readers find them helpful.

April Nomad Income Report 2016


We made $1,843 from trading in April. The new trading plan (using RSI, MACD, and Bollinger bands as indicators and always setting stop losses) performed well and I surpassed my goal of $400 per week in trading income. My biggest gains came from my bread and butter stocks: Shopify and Gold. My biggest losses came from leveraged crude ETFs, which I will someday learn to give up on.

Miscellaneous Income

Blogging:  $222 – Whoa! I think we have affiliate marketing down to a science! Wait, nope, forgot a decimal. We made $2.22 via Amazon Associates. To the reader who purchased gear on Amazon via our nomad packing list posts, thank you. Blogging will remain a creative outlet for Sarah and I, so any income made from our blog is a bonus. Or in this case, a latte.

BigStock: $1.25 – We earned half a latte on the stock photography I listed back in December of 2015. Given that we only have seven pictures listed and I haven’t touched the account since December this isn’t bad. I almost want to hire a virtual assistant for a couple of days to go through and list our travel photos. Given that we have probably 200 photos that would make the cut, we could bump passive income to $35/mo at the current rate.

Total Income: $1,847

April Nomad Income Report 2016: Expenditures

Accommodations: $538.64 (We spent the majority of April on Koh Phangan, but we also stayed on Ko Tao for a few days and later began our Budapest stay)
Airfare: $1,808 (Flights for three from Ko Samui to Budapest)
Child Care: $137.90 (Part-time daycare continues to be key to balancing time to work on the business or writing with raising Spencer.)
Clothing: $41.48 (Spencer needed a hat to protect him from the beating sun in Ko Tao, and we landed in a cold and grey Budapest so we swapped some of our summer clothes for jeans and warmer tops at the local thrift store)
Entertainment: $56.69 (We bought a blow-up pool for Spencer in Koh Phangan and booked a few massages)
Groceries: $377.49 (Still on a smoothie kick, but also made a few green curry dishes…and if you’re wondering, YES, there is such a thing as too much curry.)
Gifts: $17.29 (Mailed a few more postcards to friends and family, donated to Bernie Sander’s campaign.)
Health & Beauty: $20.72 (Cough medicine for Spencer’s cold, and face wash)
Restaurants: $491.54 ($51 less than the previous month. Sarah and I eat out for lunch while working, drink coffee all day, and some of the time we grab dinner at a restaurant in the evenings)
Motorbike Rental & Gasoline: $111.56 (We filled up about once a week, each time costing about $4.00)
Utilities: $25.10 (Sim cards fill-ups and AC)

Total Expenses: $3,626

Net Savings: -$1,779

You’ll notice that this month, we have excluded reporting on business cash flows. I made the decision to hold off on reporting on our business for 6 months and then evaluate from there. We will note, however, whether we’re in the black or not including our business expenses. For the month of April we had $0 revenue as the business wasn’t launched yet, so we’re still in the red.

If this was your first layover with us, you may want to check out our other Income Statements.


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